Chinese Dubbing

With Wavel’s Chinese dubbing service, dub your favourite content in the world's most spoken language with 1.4 billion speakers and scale your business

Wavel how it works

Transcend Language Barriers with Chinese Audio

"Want to expand your audience with Chinese language video content? The Chinese audio produced by Wavel AI is as magical as you've never heard it before. Chinese audio localization will help you succeed in a global market."

Upload your video on Wavel’s dashboard. Simply drag and drop a file by selecting a file from your folders.

Wavel Repurpose
Wavel Repurpose

Select ‘Dubbing’ and choose Chinese Language. Click ‘Submit’, Wavel will auto-generate your Chinese dubbed file.

Choose file type and select ‘Export’. Your video with Chinese audio is set for download.

Wavel Repurpose

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